Tuesday, October 15, 2024

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China again describes the US as a deceitful country that exploits its allies and stabs them in the back

The following text is an original copy from the mouthpiece of the Chinese Communist Party. In this article, the Chinese newspaper "Global Times" describes how...

In 2018 a Chinese admiral proposed to destroy two US aircraft carriers in the South China Sea and so to kill 10.000 US soldiers!

In 2018, a Chinese admiral proposed sinking two US aircraft carriers in the South China Sea. At that time, the world took no serious notice...

China-sponsored cyber attackers most significant threat to U.S. national security and yet certain unpatriotic Americans obsequiously support China!

Hostile nations engage in daily warfare against the United States, targeting critical military and civilian infrastructure. In the digital realm, these sustained attacks lack...

Communist China is deliberately flooding the USA with fentanyl publishes then such a mocking caricature!

The text below the Chinese cartoon reads: “Every year, the vast number of illegal drugs circulating in American society claims the lives of tens of...

Hateful China accuses the USA of causing destruction and fires all over the world!

The cartoon was published in the Chinese communist newspaper "Global Times".

Chinese police broke into the home of a human rights defender and tortured him to death!

Security officers entered the journalist's home on November 17, 2023, and killed him. Those who oppose this act are also confronted by intimidating police...

Hateful China portrays the USA as an ugly villain who is “pissing” the world with war and surveillance!

The cartoon was published in the Chinese communist newspaper "Global Times".

Chinese government hackers laying the groundwork for disruptions of critical U.S. infrastructure!

12 01 2024 Microsoft reported on Wednesday that state-backed Chinese hackers have been targeting critical infrastructure in the United States, potentially laying the technical groundwork...

Chinese cyber attacks on crucial U.S. infrastructure and internet systems could not be repelled!

As intelligence agencies endeavour to remove Chinese cyber operatives embedded within crucial infrastructure and internet systems across the U.S., a prominent cybersecurity CEO warns...

Full of hate against the USA the Chinese Global Times posted on 9 11 2023 on X “US continues to export turmoil 22 years...

The cartoon was published on X in the account of the Chinese communist newspaper "Global Times".


Unfortunately, many people still do not realize Communist China’s contempt and hatred towards democratic and dissident countries. Because pictures say more than rambling articles and...

A Chinese Christian attempted in Spain suicide to avoid deportation to China where she would encounter imprisonment torture and potential death!

A well-known performer, Li Yanli, associated with The Church of Almighty God (CAG), attempted suicide at Madrid Barajas Airport on November 3, 2023, rather...

A Christian tortured in a Chinese prison because of his belief!

Since 2013, Alamusha has endured mistreatment due to his refusal to admit guilt, which escalated when he embraced Christianity while in jail. Hohhot High...

A US Navy sailor who provided military information to China has been sentenced to 27 months in prison.

On Monday, a former US Navy sailor was sentenced to 27 months in prison for divulging information about Indo-Pacific military exercises to Chinese intelligence...

Spy team of Chinese government infiltrated the emergency network of a ‘major’ US city

The spy team known as Volt Typhoon, reportedly affiliated with the Chinese government, has allegedly breached the emergency services network of a significant US...

China Stole Secrets For One Of Their Favorite Fighter Planes from the USA

When similarities are striking, suspicions arise. China proudly flaunts its J-20 Mighty Dragon fighter, but some argue that its design may not be entirely...

Italian Tax Police Uncovers $2 Billion Money Laundering Operation of Chinese Banks under the Control of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)!

CCP-controlled Chinese banks continue to make money through massive illegal operations in Italy. In March 2023, “Bitter Winter” provided the sole detailed English-language account of...

Communist China portrays the USA in its abysmal hatred as a ravenous creature that claims the entire world for itself!

The pharisee-like China, which brutally fishes the sea dry off the coasts of Africa and South America against every international rule and deprives the...

And once again China is outing itself as an enthusiastic supporter of Russia’s destruction of Ukrainians by mocking the EU for its sanctions against...

The cartoon was published in the Chinese communist newspaper  “China Daily”. https://www.chinadaily.com.cn/a/202402/26/WS65dbd26fa31082fc043b8f9f.html

China paints pitiful Ukraine as a ravenous monster! China is Russia’s accomplice in the destruction of Ukraine!

This shows once again the hypocrisy of China, which is supposedly neutral in the brutal war of aggression against Ukraine but, in reality, supports...

China probably doesn’t understand the meaning of this cartoon itself!   The main thing is that China can paint the USA as an ugly, devious...

The headline in the Chinese communist newspaper China Daily read: “Fight for me.” https://global.chinadaily.com.cn/a/202311/07/WS65497951a31090682a5ecc1e.html

And again China portrays the USA as a vicious ugly and unfair country!  This time because of protectionist tendencies in the USA and the...

The cartoon was presented by the Chinese communist newspaper “China Daily”. https://www.chinadaily.com.cn/a/202209/14/WS63211e2fa310fd2b29e7774f.html

The cartoon was presented by the Chinese communist newspaper “Global Times”.

Published: Jan 19, 2024 https://www.globaltimes.cn/page/202401/1305721.shtml

Houthis use Chinese drones to attack merchant ships in the Red Sea

This week, a prominent Chinese military blogger known as “Korolev,” with over 6 million followers on Weibo, sparked a heated debate by suggesting that the...

China’s water hegemony policy a huge threat to neighboring countries.

Water stands as the paramount human resource, and China’s efforts to assert control over extensive water sources give rise to ecological, political, and human...

A US Chinese national has stolen trade secrets from a US company to deliver them to communist China!

The Justice Department said in a statement on Thursday, January 6th, that a Chinese person pled guilty in a US court to stealing trade...

China Stole Blueprints of Fighter Planes from the USA!

When similarities are striking, suspicions arise. China proudly flaunts its J-20 Mighty Dragon fighter, but some argue that its design may not be entirely...


This cartoon on China Daily a Chinese newspaper controlled by the Chinese Communist Party clearly shows China’s hatred and contempt for Western democracies.

Hateful China describes NATO, which has never attacked a country, as a walking war machine! Everyone makes a fool of themselves, and China is...

A few states belonging to NATO have carried out attacks on other countries. For example, states belonging to NATO attacked the Serbian militias that committed...

This is how China portrays the American:  As an ugly wild and evil-looking person who only has war on his mind!

This is how China portrays the American as an ugly, wild and evil-looking person who only has war on his mind. The cartoon comes from...

Nikkei Asia has posted an interesting article about the topic: “Satellite images indicate that China is practicing attacking Japanese aircraft.”

15 July 2022 The key points of the article: In a desert region of Xinjiang, China has installed an object that appears to be based on...

If You Want To Contact Us Click On This Post

E-Mail: r.markert@fightcommunistchina.org WhatsApp: 00216 288 63 743 Reinhard Markert Boulevard 14 Janvier 4039 Sousse / Tunisia

China portrays the European Union as a mindless idiot hitting itself in the head with a club. This is China being arrogant and aggressive...

The background is that the USA has banned the delivery of high-tech chips to China because China uses these chips to upgrade its military,...

China, the world’s biggest polluter, out of deep hate, accuses the US of destroying the world’s environment!

China is the world’s biggest polluter, making up nearly 30% of global emissions and accounting for over half of global demand for coal

In an official Chinese video, the Chinese army bombs the American military base on Guam

October 30, 2022 Unfortunately, many business leaders and governments make the same mistake as with Putin’s Russia and do not want to see the true...

Hateful Communist China portrays the USA as a country whose only goal is to foment wars in the world! Crazy!

Communist China, which supports Russia in its brutal war against Ukraine, supports the junta in Myanmar, imprisons almost 2 million Muslim Uyghurs in concentration...

Communist China describes the USA as a warmongering, ugly, crazy creature that follows the whispers of the devil.

Unbelievable how much China hates the USA! The Chinese Communist Party’s newspaper “China Daily” posted this cartoon. The title of the cartoon from December 14, 2023,...

Communist China portrays the USA as a vicious blood-sucking ugly vampire

Global Times the mouthpiece of the Chinese government rates the USA as a vampire ,who attempts to cannibalize TSMC and hollow out Taiwan's chip...

China offers a $50,000 bounty for the murder of Australian citizens

China offers a $50,000 bounty for the murder of Australian citizens Claiming a false bomb threat was orchestrated in his name by the Chinese regime...

Hateful China, which, unlike the USA, is unable to produce the latest generation of chips due to a lack of corresponding skills, mocks the...

American Citizens! China Mocks The Slogan “Buy American”and calls it a farce ! Fight Back! Don’t Buy Chinese Products! https://www.globaltimes.cn/page/202305/1291651.shtml

The western G7 countries are mocked by China.

The Chinese Global time writes, among other things, regarding this cartoon: “The illustration caused a stir on Weibo on Sunday, with numerous users praising the...

Look at the ugly, distorted faces Communist China has given the US and NATO! And this is in the context of a completely baseless...

Global Times, the mouthpiece of the Chinese government, posts the headline “After Ukraine, US-led NATO wants to turn Asia Pacific into a new powder keg.” So...

Communist China the big US hater draws the American Nation as vicious fright that stabs smiling its allies from behind!

Global Times the mouthpiece of the Chinese government paints the U.S. as a deceitful creature stabbing stupid Europe in the back. The cartoon speaks for...

China, which pollutes the environment in many African countries, hypocritically accuses the West of using Africa as a garbage dump

China plunders the fishing grounds off African coasts, Chinese companies pollute African areas to a large extent, China sets up high hurdles for African...

China accuses the USA  to be responsible for the suffering of the Ukraine

Global Times the mouthpiece of the Chinese government says about the USA and the Ukraine war    “Don’t cool too soon„ and complains that the...

China Mocks Britain’s Prime Minister As A Stupid Student Who Obediently Parrots The USA!

Text of Global Times:Meet Sunak, a top student parroting “China threat” from the US https://www.globaltimes.cn/page/202305/1291386.shtml

Headline from the Chinese Global Times    Sustain the Ukraine war

Western countries like Japan are keeping the war going in Ukraine and of course, in China's opinion, not Russia, which has brutally attacked Ukraine...

In December 2020 China fully blocked coal imports from Australia

After Australia called for an independent investigation into the initial coronavirus outbreak in China as a punishment China fully blocked coal imports from Australia.

China banned import of beef from four Australian beef processing firms

Having actually had the temerity to encourage an independent investigation into the Coronavirus outbreak, Australia was promptly punished by China. China banned import of beef...

The dumb blind subservient kangaroo. This is what China thinks of Australia.

Source Chinese Global Times https://www.globaltimes.cn/content/1208848.shtml

As a punishment, China instituted an 80% tariff on barley imports from Australia

Having had the temerity to encourage an independent investigation into the Coronavirus outbreak, Australia was promptly punished by China.From 19 May 2020, China instituted...

China, the accomplice of gruesome Russia, claims: “The US will fight Russia until the last Ukrainian.”

The text and the cartoon are published in a series  “The US will fight Russia until the last Ukrainian” of ”China Daily”, a Chinese newspaper controlled...

China Spreads Disgusting Disinformation About Australian Politics.    Claims Many Members Of Congress Have Sex In The Capitol And Former Attorney General Christian Porter...

China Spreads Disinformation About Australian Politics Claims Many members of Congress have sex in the Capitol & former attorney general Christian Porter Has Raped...

China Threatened Australia With Missile Attacks!

China threatens with long-range strikes on Australian military facilities and relevant key facilities if Australia were to take Taiwan's side in an attack by...

A Chinese Fighter-Jet Harassed An Australian Plane Released Flares And Chaff Including Aluminum Pieces Into One Of The Australian Plane’s Engines. 

A Chinese warplane harassed an Australian plane released flares and chaff including aluminum pieces into one of the Australian plane’s engines.  More on https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-06-07/china-warns-australia-of-serious-consequences-over-jet-encounter?leadSource=uverify%20wall

China Sneers disdainfully Australia As A Completely Stupid Submissive Underling Of The USA.

Cartoon China Daily More  on https://au.news.yahoo.com/china-daily-brands-australia-yes-man-to-us-cartoon-075218740.html

Australia, A Pleading Trembling Fearful Kangaroo. This Is What China Thinks Of Australia.

Source  Chinese Global Times https://www.globaltimes.cn/page/202211/1280268.shtml

Australia A Stupid Beaten-Up Kangaroo With A Black Eye.  This Is How China Sees Australia.

Source the Chinese Global Times https://www.globaltimes.cn/page/202302/1286026.shtml

China calls the  USA “US Kingdom of lies”

China Daily a Chinese communist media wrote regarding the following cartoon: "US Kingdom of lies”

Communist China portrays the USA as a brutal octopus that sets fires all over the world!

No other country caricatures the USA in such an ugly, barbaric and aggressive way as hateful communist China.